Friday, July 10, 2020

Regarding VHX -

In 2015 Elmwood Productions joined VHX.  At the time VHX was up and coming as a great spot for independent film and show creators to have their films streaming and downloadable.  We were very excited to have a channel as part of VHX.  Jump forward a couple years and Vimeo bought them and promised to leave it alone.  
Soon after they downgraded it, and even made the App unavailable on Roku, AppleTV, and so on.  The only way to watch VHX on your TV was to use the website.  And that is not always convenient, or why we went with them in the first place.  
This unfortunately has hurt our business.  So, we have begun to search for a new outlet.  With that happening we have also decided to close our VHX channel at the end of the year.  All the content on there will be free on the Elmwood Productions YouTube the end of 2020.  The VHX page will be down on 1/1/2021.  If you did purchase a film or series from there and have not downloaded it, please do so soon.  And Purchases will still be available through the end of the year if you’d like to show Elmwood some love and support!

We loved VHX so much.  And we’re disappointed that it hasn’t worked out the way we hoped for.  But this is a time for progress!  We are treating this change as an opportunity to move to something even more exciting!
We did plan to release our next feature film “Bernice, Too” on VHX first.  For those who did the Kickstarter you will still have it first!  We’ll either be doing a direct download to you, or using a new streaming outlet.  Stay tuned!
Any question please reach out to us!  

 - The Elmwood Gang

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